Calvert continues to grow as they expand into another contract, bringing on nineteen new employment openings. As this contract gets off the ground, Calvert’s Business Development department does not push the breaks, and continues to identify new market opportunities for business growth.
With customer engagement being the key to business growth, Calvert’s President/CEO, and the the Project Manager, will visit the new project at Nellis, Air Force Base in Las Vegas, Nevada. While there, they will attend contract briefings and interact with the team.
Not only are they growing in size, but in prestige as well. Calvert’s own David Heininger, Sr. Program Management Liaison and site lead out of the Washington DC/Pennsylvania office, was nominated to be inducted into the 55th Wing Hall of Fame. Which is awarded to 55th Wing alumni who have shown extraordinary accomplishments, contributions, and sacrifices in support of the wing.
Over the past year the company has brought on twenty new employees, expanding into four new contracts and adding positions for growth on three current contracts. With plans for more contracting opportunities in the works, Calvert doesn’t plan to slow down any time soon.